Sunday, May 23, 2010

Performance Tuning

Tibco iProcess Engine server architecture has been deigned to offer support for large scale enterprise systems.

In order to handle high volumes of work the IPE Server can be tuned for an applications's specific needs.

Increasing BG Processes
By Default Tibco iPE server has four background processes enabled.But in some instances the Bg processes are not enough to keep up with the number of instructions being processes by the iPE server. This issue can be address by adding the Additional Background processes.

Increasing MBox Sets

Incase we increase the BG processes - this would be a good idea to increase the MBoxes along with the number of BG processes . This will lower the change of any contention when the BG processes access the data from the queues. For example we can add the BG processes , extra box and can dedicate this BG and Mbox to PURGE instructions. Now This additional BG will take care of the PURGE instructions and won't interfere with the other BG(s) or MBox(s).

Increasing WIS
WIS processes the handle the work queues in the IPE serrver.Normally A single WIS can handle the work from multiple queues. Incase the queue size is small the WIS works well but incase queue sizes are large(Size referes to the number of work items in the queue) then a Single WIS dealing with multiple queue is overloaded.I would say that Queue Size is the important factor in the WIS performance. My suggestion goes here is Add the extra WIS and dedicate a WIS to one queue which is very busy queue or having large size. This will help to optimize the performance for larger queues.

RPC server tuning
The TIBCO RPC listener process is capable of handling 20 conncurrent client connections.Once the 21st user attempts to connect to the TIBCO server , another RPC listener process should be started so it means user has to wait for the RPC to start. To Tune this parameter - we need to make changes in the staffcfg file for folloeing parameters :

Deadline processes will be automatically inporoved when extra BGs, WISswill be added. But we need to modify the deadline process intreval value for fast performance.

WQS performance Tuning
WQs process uses an area of memory for caching - the wqsindex which is removed and recreated from the memory when the iProcess Engine is started and stoped. This index file can be seen in /var/tmp/ directory(Linux).and the client talks via TCP to WQS and WIS in order to abtain any information. So The better performance for this process can be attacied by increasing the WIS. and we can update the WQS performance tuning parameters in staffcfg file too .

Functional Performance Tuning
On functional Side for the iprocess development code- there are number of areas which can bve modified. We need to reduce the use of custom audit since we can already derive the audit trail.We should avoid the builiding of composite queues.and the main thing is about search should be very much with the Case data instead of workqueues filetering when seraching accross the multiple queues.

Housekeeping Activities
for optimal performace - We really need to perform the rehular housekeeping for iPE and its database.
- Purging the old Closed cases. I do not support the auto purge option. So It should be proacyively scheduled and done one the weekly/periodically basis.
- Database tuning should be performed regularly
- Deleting the old procedure versions . This will help for the quick start of SPO.Normally SPO takes time to start because there is so much of procedure versions to cache in the memory.
- Cleaning the iprocess log files will imporove trouble shooting.


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